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Qualitative Research Consultant for The Asia Foundation

(This job application was closed on 19th February 2025)
For : Cambodian Only
Categories : Consultancy
Schedule : Full time job
Sex : Male, Female
Language : Khmer, English
Location : Phnom Penh
Hiring : 1 Position
Closing Date : 19th February 2025
Salary :
Experience : Minimum 7 years
Degree : Bachelor
Job Description

The Asia Foundation (TAF) is a nonprofit international development organization committed to improving lives across a dynamic and developing Asia. Informed by seven decades of experience and deep local expertise, our work across the region addresses five overarching goals—strengthen governance, empower women, expand economic opportunity, increase environmental resilience, and promote regional cooperation.

Supported by the Australian Government, the Cambodia Australia Partnership for Resilient Development (CAPRED) and The Asia Foundation are collaborating on an 18-month program called CAPRED-Insight. CAPRED-Insight will work to increase the supply of, and demand for, evidence related to micro, small and medium businesses. A Cambodia Business Environment Barometer (CBEB) (workstream 1) will provide high resolution information as to the situation of Cambodia’s micro, small and medium enterprises, nationally and across five provinces. The Foundation will complement this large sample research with a smaller qualitative research study of businesses that are owned by people with a disability, in partnership with CSOs that support people with disabilities.

CAPRED-Insight workstream 2 involves a partnership with Cambodia’s Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISTI), is piloting a "Knowledge Partnership to Improve Business Registration." This initiative seeks to enhance evidence use and support policy reform activities related to business registration and the informal economy. By working collaboratively with MISTI, the project aims to generate actionable insights and strengthen their capacity to collate, analyze, and commission research while testing innovative approaches to improve business registration processes.

We seek an experienced Cambodian qualitative researcher to support these activities, working closely with the Technical Lead and Program Manager.

  • Qualitative Research Consultant
Job Responsibilities & Duties

Scope of Work

  • Strand 1. Collaborative Research Design and Analysis
  • Attend monthly meetings between the CAPRED-Insights team and MISTI.
  • Collaboratively design research with MISTI officials and the Technical Lead, identifying key research questions and developing methodologies to conduct under strand 2.
  • Provide short ad hoc training or presentations on qualitative and user research methodologies, as is required by MISTI officials.
  • Support the Technical Lead conduct research into how evidence is used in policy making and implementation, conducting interviews and documenting perceptions and practical examples. Contribute to report development.
  • Support the Program Manager and Technical Lead to analyze evidence from multiple sources and discussions. This will include analyzing the findings of available qualitative studies and to support the development of an evidence gap assessment.
  • Support the Technical lead to provide MISTI actionable recommendations to improve business registration processes and systems.
  • Strand 2. Qualitative Research to Understand Businesses Beliefs and Experiences Related to Business Registration
  • Conduct small scale qualitative / “user research” by directly engaging Cambodian businesses to understand their experiences with business registration processes, particularly online registration systems.
  • Conduct research both remotely and in person, with the possibility of traveling to provinces to engage with businesses and other stakeholders.
  • Produce clear summaries of the research and present the findings to MISTI. Document lessons learned and opportunities for additional research to address remaining evidence gaps.
  • Strand 3. Qualitative Research to Understand MSMEs Owned by Someone with a Disability
  • Lead engagements with target CSOs that support people with disabilities to design and deliver qualitative research of business owners that have a disability.
  • Provide quality assurance of the CSO’s research and analysis.
  • Support the integration of the findings into relevant CAPRED-Insight reports and briefings.
  • Deliverables
    • Research design documents, including key questions and methodologies, co-developed with MISTI and TAF.
    • Qualitative research reports on businesses’ experiences with business registration.
    • Qualitative research report on the business environment from the perspective of businesses that are owned by someone with a disability.
    • Participation in monthly meetings with MISTI and CAPRED-Insights team, providing support and insights.
Job Requirements


  • Minimum 7 years of experience in qualitative research or user research, preferably in the Cambodian context.
  • Proven experience conducting research on businesses, preferably with SMEs and on business registration.
  • Demonstrate experience working and coordinating with government officials, preferably with MISTI, and sub-national government.
  • Experience with policy-making processes and evidence-informed policy is highly desirable.


  • Excellent knowledge of qualitative research methods and analysis.
  • Strong facilitation and capacity-building skills.
  • Ability to synthesize complex findings into clear, actionable insights

Language Proficiency:

  • Fluency in Khmer (spoken and written).
  • Strong command of English (spoken and written).


  • Cambodian nationality is required.
  • Flexibility and ability to work independently.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Proactive and adaptable and resourceful approach to problem-solving.
How to Apply?

Application Process

Interested candidates should submit the following:

CV detailing relevant experience and qualifications.Cover letter explaining how they meet the requirements of the ToR.Example of previous qualitative research or relevant work (if available).

Please submit your application to email provided in the contact details.

Applications should be submitted by 19 February 2025, at 5:00PM local time with the subject line: “Qualitative Researcher Consultancy for CAPRED-Insight”. Individuals from socially disadvantaged groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.


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Organization Information (Opening jobs)
Organization : The Asia Foundation
Email :
Address : House # 59, Street 242 – Oknha Peich, Sangkat Chakto Mukh, Khan Doun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Website :
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