How to search for jobs?
1. How to search for jobs in smartphone?
You can search jobs by the following criteria:
- Keywords, Ex: Accountant, Guard,...
- Field, Ex: Accounting & Finance, Engineering,..
- Cities or Provinces Ex: Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang,...
- Salary Range Ex: 0-500$, 500-1000$,...
(Click on Search icon)

(Fill in search criteria and click search button)

2. How to search for jobs in PC?
The same as search in smartphone, you can search jobs by the following criteria:
- Keywords, Ex: Accountant, Guard,...
- Field, Ex: Accounting & Finance, Engineering,..
- Cities or Provinces Ex: Phnom Penh, Siem Reap, Battambang,...
- Salary Range Ex: 0-500$, 500-1000$,...