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Research Assistant for Nuppun Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.

(This job application was closed on 16th February 2025)
For : Cambodian Only
Categories : Assistant, Research / Development
Schedule : Full time job
Sex : Male, Female
Language : Khmer, English
Location : Phnom Penh
Hiring : 1 Position
Closing Date : 16th February 2025
Salary :
Experience : Yes
Degree : Bachelor
Job Description

Nuppun Research and Consulting Co., Ltd. has been transformed from Nuppun Institute for Economic Research which was established in 2013. Nuppun means number in Khmer language. We are specialized in survey and analytics. With these skills, we have provided services in many different research areas, including monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of development projects, various types of surveys in paper- based (PAPI) or electronic (CAPI) formats, market studies, investment feasibility studies, sector-specific research, economic analysis, and policy studies. As our complimentary services, we provide training and capacity building, based on our practical experience accumulated from research activities.

Since the establishment, Nuppun has implemented many research and analytical works for different clients, including Cambodian government, international development agencies, and international and local businesses. Our team has a diverse background, but with common belief that numbers could reveal more in-depth stories and could assist businessmen and policy makers in making informed decisions.

We are currently recruiting Research Assistants to join our growing team. Successful candidates are expected to start working as soon as possible.

  • Research Assistant
Job Responsibilities & Duties
  • Provide supports to research team
  • Supervise enumerators in conducting field surveys
  • Translate documents from English to Khmer or vice versa
  • Conduct interviews
Job Requirements
  • Bachelor Degree in Economics/Labor Economics/Financial Economics or related field
  • Strong knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint
  • Possess strong command of English in listening, speaking and writing
How to Apply?

Please submit CV with photo (size 4x6) and cover letter that describes interests and relevant qualifications to email provided in the contact details. Short-listed candidates will be contacted for a written test and interview.


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Thanks, From Khmer Online Jobs Team

Company Information (Opening jobs)
Company : Nuppun Research and Consulting Co., Ltd.
Email :
Tel : 023 994 378
Address : Nuppun Research and Consulting Co., Ltd
Website :
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