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Senior Value Chain Development Specialist for Ministry of Commerce

(This job application was closed on 20th February 2025)
For : Cambodian Only
Categories : Agriculture, Business Administration
Schedule : Full time job
Sex : Male, Female
Language : English
Location : Phnom Penh
Hiring : 1 Position
Closing Date : 20th February 2025
Salary :
Experience : Yes
Degree : Bachelor
Job Description

The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has received a Loan of USD 36.3 million from International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) for financing the Project for “Accelerating Inclusive Markets for Smallholders Project (AIMS)” called Project, IFAD Loan No. 20000001751, for the project costs including Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), Private Sector (including beneficiaries and private businesses) Co-funding are estimated at USD 61.6 million. The project will have two components and be implemented over 6 years. The Financing Agreement was signed on 28 February 2017 and became effective on the same date. The Project has additional financing for implementation, IFAD Loan No. 2000005221 and 2000005222. The Project Completion Date is 30 September 2027, and the Financing Closing Date is 31 March 2028. The Project goal is to enhance prosperity of Cambodian smallholder farmers through increasingly profitable links to agri-businesses and markets, with intermediate objective to increase returns from farming for smallholders, including poorer farmers and youth, through efficient public sector investment.

The Project is comprised of two components:

Component 1: Value Chains Development (VCD). The objective of this component is to focus on brokering, facilitation, innovations development and capacity building support to inclusive growth initially of five higher value product value chains - covering food and non-food crops and livestock.Component 2: Value Chain Financing. The objective of this component is to stimulate increased private investment into the priority VCs by farmers, MSMEs, agricultural cooperatives, agribusinesses, services providers and others, and by providing them better knowledge to take on their own investment decision.

  • Senior Value Chain Development Specialist
Job Requirements
  • At least 10 years work experience in the development sectors and/or private sector, of which at least 7 years of experience in promotion of value chain and private sector development with demonstrable evidence of the results achieved and experience with IFAD supported project is preferred
  • At least Master Degree in Business Administration, Agribusiness Development, Marketing or equivalent and other related fields.
  • Knowledge and experience in building capacity of stakeholders through advisory skills and facilitate multi-stakeholder consultation processes, value chain upgrading workshops and training.
  • Experiences with matching grant fund proposal/plan development, appraisal, monitoring and evaluation, and feasibility analysis.
  • Experiences that demonstrate creativeness, innovativeness and entrepreneurial skills;
  • Possesses high quality attributes on leadership, facilitations and coaching.
  • Good spoken and written in English.
  • Proven skills in staff and budget management, networking and external communication.
  • Good interpersonal skills and capacity to work effectively as part of a team.
  • Preferences given to:
  • Experience in agriculture value chains, public private partnership and service market development
How to Apply?

In submitting their expressions of interest, assistants are kindly requested to indicate the following reference Ref. AIMS/C1/C/2025/108 or Internal Auditor (Ref: AIMS/C1/C/2025/92). Interested assistants must provide their updated curriculum vitae, indicating personal and technical skills, academic qualifications, experience in similar assignments, and experience in Cambodia and/or other developing countries along with the names of at least three (3) referees with contact information (e-mail address, telephone or fax numbers). Expressions of Interest shall be submitted in hard copy followed by an electronic copy.

Interested assistants may obtain copies of the detailed Terms of Reference (in English) for the assignment by sending a request by Email or from the address during office hours from 8:30 to 12:00am and from 2:00 to 5:30pm, Monday through Friday, except public holidays.

Expressions of interest must be submitted to the address provided in the contact details on or before the closing date (before 5:00pm).

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Thanks, From Khmer Online Jobs Team

Company Information (Opening jobs)
Company : Ministry of Commerce
Contact Name : Duong Vannarith (Mr.)
Email :
Tel : 023 866 064
Address : The Department of International Cooperation (DICO) Phum Toeuk Thla, Russian Blvd, Sangkat Toeuk Thla, Khan Sen Sok, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Website :
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