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Boncafé (Cambodia) Ltd Vacancies

Boncafé humbly established itself in Singapore in 1962, under a small zinc-roofed building at Jalan Rajawali (Jurong) which housed its roasting plant with only four staff. Under the vision of Mr Werner Ernst Huber, a Swiss National living and working in Singapore as a commodities trader, Boncafé has grown from a humble supplier of refined coffee products to a full fledged coffee institution that celebrates the history, knowledge and expression of Man’s relationship with coffee.

Boncafé (Cambodia) Ltd

Boncafé (Cambodia) Ltd
Email :
Tel : 023 212 316
Fax : (+855) 023 217 017
Address : 306A, Monivong Boulevard, Chaktomukh Commune, Daun Penh District, Phnom Penh
Boncafé (Cambodia) Ltd map Click on map to view bigger Google map
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