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Rising Phoenix Co. Ltd Vacancies

Rising Phoenix Co. Ltd. was incorporated in Cambodia in 2015 and is managed as a social enterprise to support the conservation of Western Siem Pang Wildlife Sanctuary. We propose combining the traditional donor approach with a private sector business model to establish a sustainable funding mechanism to meet the management costs of the site, and to support the implementation of the site management plan and other company activities and projects working in partnership with civil society, local communities and government partners.

Rising Phoenix Co. Ltd

Rising Phoenix Co. Ltd
Email :
Address : #32 street 494 Phsar Doeum Thkov Commune, Chamkar Morn District, Phnom Penh
There is no opening jobs at the moment. Check again later.

Looking for Job in Cambodia

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@Job seekers : Job opportunity comes and goes, if you don't want to slip it, stay tuned to get Job update
